
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

TWD: Thumbprint For Us Big Guys

Mike of Ugly Dude Food selected Thumbprints For Us Big Guys . When I first glanced at the recipe list I didn't realize that For Us Big Guys was part of the recipe title. I thought that Mike was making a statement for the men in our group and this was going to be a big hearty manly cookie. Wrong.  These cookies were delicate, buttery, crumbly, nutty and delicious.

I used toasted pecan in the cookies and a variety of jams, strawberry, apricot and berry in the centers.
You could easily fill the centers with nutella, ganache, or dulce de leche,  but I loved the  glistening shiny centers that the jam created. They looked like big jeweled buttons.

There are so many variations for this cookie, change your nuts, change your filling and you have a whole new taste. If you would like the recipe to make these outstanding cookies drop on over and visit Mike, or buy Dorie's book. 

Visit the TWD blog roll to see what the other bakers thought about this week's recipe.