
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cupcake Fun

Come on in and have a birthday cupcake!  This month Mimi's Kitchen is one year old.  One year ago, I didn't even know that blogs existed. My neighbor Mrs. M sent me an email about a Martha Stewart show on cake pops. I was fascinated. One thing lead to another and I ended up at the Daring Bakers. I thought what a fun way to spend time with my children, who all enjoy baking and cooking.

You can join The Daring Bakers without a blog, but that link wasn't working and I wanted to join ( I can be some what impatient), so I clicked on the blog link and the next thing I knew I had created Mimi's Kitchen. Now just what is a food blog? For me, this blog is my cookbook to my children. For years, every time I made something my children liked they would say, Mimi put that in your cookbook, so now I have.

  I'm usually a pretty a shy person, so when I got my very first comment from Ingrid  (The 3 B's Baseball, Baking & Books) I was excited that someone noticed me. Then one day Ozoz  (The Kitchen Butterfly) asked me a question that made me laugh. So, I began to make my own comments, and ask questions of other bloggers when I wanted to know about an ingredient or method.

I never realized just how many people love to cook and bake for fun. I now know that my large collection of cookbooks, cooking magazines and kitchen gadgets is not abnormal and that other people also buy cake pans because they are just too cute to pass up.  

I thought these flower cupcakes were the perfect way to celebrate my blog's summer birthday. To make these fun cup cakes from What's New Cupcake, just bake up a batch of your favorite cupcakes and frost them in what ever frosting you like. I found that white frosting worked best with the white marshmallows that are used for decoration. Each cupcake takes about 22 miniature marshmallows. Snip them in half on the diagonal and drop into a bowl of colored sugar. I also discovered that I needed to roll back the cut edges of the marshmallows so more sugar would adhere to the cut surface. Starting at the outside edge place marshmallow in concentric circles over the top of the frosted cupcake. I filled the center with yellow jimmies. You could also use a Skittles or M&M's. These were really easy to do and would be a fun project for children (an adult might need to cut the marshmallows)

I'm still learning the ins and outs of blogging.  Baking is easy, writing is not and photography is a whole new skill set. Hopefully, over time, I will improve my content, my comments and my photos.
Thank You, all for making my first year in Mimi's Kitchen so much fun. I have enjoyed meeting, baking and traveling along with you. 

I'm sending these to the Foodie Friday party at Designs by Gollum